Thriving Livestock Auditing Program

Dec 3, 2020

The Livestock Auditing Team at FSNS Certification & Audit has experienced many changes during 2020. Despite the challenges presented due to the COVID-19 pandemic, SVP of Auditing Services, Lori Ernst, and the FSNS C&A team have worked to continue to provide trusted audit services through innovative technology and flexibility. As a result, the team now offers virtual auditing, which allows us to provide customers with the certification and audit services they need in a safe and effective manner. The team is currently working on projects to streamline this process for future endeavors.

Valerie Smith, DVM, was hired as the Technical Manager of Livestock here at FSNS C&A. Valerie was a practicing large animal veterinarian for 21 years and previously managed the Dairy Stewardship program at Dean Foods. She jumped in and hit the ground running to work on expanding our livestock audit services.

Due to the growing need to expand our beef feedlot auditing services, Diane Hanson also joined the team as the Livestock Beef Audit – Lead. Diane is a new graduate from Colorado State University and was a welcome addition due to her vast knowledge from working in the beef industry and fluency in the Spanish language.

Our Beef Audit Services will now offer American Humane Certified Audits and USDA Process Verified Programs for Source & Age Verification, Non-Hormone Treated Cattle, Grass-Fed, Non-GMO, Natural, and Certified Organic.

The livestock auditing team did not stop there. A new audit tool was developed and we now offer the BEEF (Bovine Energy, Efficiency, and Feed ) Audit & Evaluation Tool with addendums in Animal Health & Welfare, Transportation, Workforce, Environment, Sustainability, and Carbon Emissions.

Still further expanding our livestock services, a new service for evaluating Livestock Shows & Rodeos was developed. This tool offers addendums for evaluating Facilities, Housing, Training/Education, Transportation, Shows/Events, and Veterinary Oversight areas.

The livestock auditing team at FSNS C&A is excited to offer these new services in addition to specialized customer audits for beef, dairy and multiple other species in order to fit the needs of each of our valued customers.

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