Contract Research

Lab+, our Contract Research Team, provides the scientific data you need to verify your products are produced safely.

Our team of expert scientists designs and conducts customized process validations, challenge studies, shelf-life studies, method validations, and many other scientific studies that deliver the data you need to make informed business decisions and produce products in a reliably safe manner.

We work with food processors, chemical suppliers, equipment manufacturers, antimicrobial producers, test assay developers, industry trade groups and associations, and other industry professionals to validate that their products, processes, and testing methods are working as intended. This provides them with confidence that they are doing their part to protect the safety of consumers and the value of their brands.

At Lab+, we are large enough to offer a full range of services and technical expertise yet nimble enough to act quickly to get results in the timeframe you need them. And we take our customer service as seriously as our science. We believe in a collaborative approach to study design, and we discuss the results and conclusions of your study with you in terms that you can understand so you can make the most informed, data-driven decisions. Let’s get started!

Beverage bottles moving along a filling line.

Lab+ Contract Research Services

Process Validations

Our experts thoroughly understand the regulations and best practices involved in producing foods, beverages, and other related products. Thus, we are here to help you gather all the data and documentation required by the FDA, USDA, and other regulatory bodies to demonstrate that your manufacturing processes can produce products safely. Our expert assessments and skillfully designed studies will give you confidence that you are safely producing high-quality foods to protect your brand and, most importantly, your customers.

Our team includes FDA-oriented process authorities and USDA subject matter experts with in-depth knowledge to assess process capabilities and evaluate process deviation data. For example, in California, we work closely with the Technical Expert Review Panel (TERP), named by the Almond Board of California, to validate processes in the almond industry.

Our capabilities are listed here:

  • Thermal-process validation studies (both laboratory-based simulations and in-plant with surrogates)
  • Non-thermal process validation studies (both laboratory-based simulations and in-plant with surrogates)
    • Antimicrobial processing aids
    • High-pressure processing
    • Irradiation
    • Pulsed electrical fields
    • Pulsed light
    • Radio frequency electric fields
    • Ultraviolet light
    • Microfiltration
    • Cold plasma
    • Supercritical carbon dioxide
    • Other alternative technologies
  • FDA Low-Acid Canned Foods (21 CFR 113) and acidified-product compliance (21 CFR 114) and validation
  • Representation of processors and importers with FDA
  • Temperature distribution and heat-penetration studies
  • Consumer and commercial cook instruction validation
  • Thermal process determination, evaluation, and filing
  • Process deviation evaluations
  • Ethylene oxide, gamma irradiation, and hydrogen peroxide sterilization/validation
  • Process filings
  • Aseptic processing
  • Investigation and resolution of spoilage problems and FDA-detained product
Technician in food testing lab working with samples of meat.

Challenge Studies

Our team is well-versed in conducting microbial challenge studies (a.k.a. inoculated pack studies) for food, beverage, and consumer product manufacturers to help them determine if unacceptable levels of pathogen or spoilage organism growth will occur during their product’s normal shelf life. A further application is to test the ability of various additives to extend the time needed for these organisms to reach unacceptable levels or to eliminate these organisms altogether. Our challenge studies provide the data you need to ensure your products meet your customers’ standards for quality and safety throughout their entire shelf life.

Our capabilities are listed here:

  • Pathogen challenge studies
    • Listeria challenge studies to demonstrate compliance with USDA Alternative 1 or Alternative 2 status, Refrigerated Foods Association guidelines, or other regulatory or industry trade association guidelines
    • FDA Food Code required product assessments for determining Temperature Control for Safety (TCS) status
    • USP <51> antimicrobial-effectiveness studies for consumer products
    • Inoculation with any pathogenic organism to assess the impact of formulations, antimicrobial additives, pH, water activity, packaging systems, and storage temperatures on outgrowth to aid Research and Development efforts
  • Spoilage organism challenge studies
    • Inoculation with any spoilage organism to assess impact of formulations, antimicrobial additives, pH, water activity, packaging systems, and storage temperatures on preventing product spoilage to aid Research and Development efforts
  • Antimicrobial ingredient minimum inhibitory concentration studies

Strain Typing Helps Beef Slaughter Plant Quickly Identify E. coli O157:H7 Source

Technician in food testing lab preparing samples for testing.

Method Validations

Rapid test kits are used extensively in the food and beverage industry to detect contaminants that can cause foodborne illnesses. However, these test kits must be shown to be fit for purpose. Our Lab+ team routinely performs studies to validate the performance of test kits for Listeria, Salmonella, STEC, allergens, and other contaminants in food and beverage matrices. Whether you are a test kit manufacturer that is trying to attain validation for your new assay or are a processor that is trying to onboard an existing kit for testing your product, we have the expert resources to help you.

Our capabilities are listed here:

  • AOAC International method validations
    • We are an AOAC Research Institute Certified Independent Laboratory
    • Independent laboratory validation studies
    • Method developer studies
    • Official Methods of Analysis collaborative study participation
  • Health Canada method validations
    • MFLP validation studies
  • FSNS internal method validations according to AOAC and Health Canada guidelines
  • USP suitability and preparatory testing
Woman examining label on produce in grocery store.

Shelf-Life Studies

People often list freshness and quality as top criteria when buying food. It can take many years to build up a brand’s reputation, but only one bad experience with spoilage due to an inadequate shelf-life estimation can sour someone (pun intended!) on your brand indefinitely. Our scientists design and conduct customized shelf-life studies for a variety of food and beverage products so you can confidently assign an expiration date to your products that will promote a good customer experience while reducing the risk of premature spoilage.

Our capabilities are listed here:

  • Real-time shelf life studies:
    • Cooler and retail display case refrigerated storage studies
    • High precision temperature and humidity chamber stability studies
    • Room temperature ambient storage studies
    • Spoilage microorganism growth, organoleptic evaluation, package integrity evaluation, and chemical evaluation
  • Accelerated shelf life (Q10 Model) studies:
    • Elevated temperature storage for ambient temperature products with long shelf life
    • Organoleptic evaluation, package integrity evaluation, and chemical evaluation
Technician wearing latex gloves holding petri dish filled with meat samples for testing.

Additional Testing & Validation Services

We offer a diverse range of specialized testing services to help your organization get the data you need to meet your quality and safety standards and comply with regulations. While other labs may focus on one area of speciality, we offer a full suite of options. Here are some additional services; contact us if you don’t see what you need:

Our capabilities are listed here:

  • Microbial strain typing
    • Hygiena RiboPrinter® – Genetic Fingerprinting
    • Bruker IR Biotyper® – Phenotypic Fingerprinting
  • Molecular testing services
    • We are a Non-GMO Project Certified Laboratory
    • GMO detection and quantification
    • Meat speciation
    • Virus and parasite detection: Hepatitis A, Norovirus
  • Facility assessment services
    • Facility contamination troubleshooting services
    • Facility process assessment services
    • On-site laboratory audits
  • Pre-harvest food safety detection services
    • Livestock fecal and tissue sample testing for foodborne pathogens
  • Microbial identification
    • Bacterial identification – biochemical identification; 16S rRNA gene sequencing
    • Fungal identification – biochemical identification; 18S rRNA gene sequencing
  • Bacterial toxin testing
    • Staphylococcal enterotoxins
    • Bacillus cereus diarrheal enterotoxin
    • Gram-Negative endotoxin testing
  • Data collection and modeling studies
    • Thermal modeling studies – collection of thermal data from ovens, fryers, roasters, etc., and modeling to determine foodborne pathogen lethality
    • Outgrowth modeling studies – collection of holding temperature data from storage conditions and modeling to determine foodborne pathogen outgrowth
  • Foreign material identification
    • Visual evaluation – stereoscope; microscope
    • Physical evaluation – solubility; magnetic attraction
    • Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry – purity indices; database matches
    • Metals speciation – ICP-MS, ICP-OES, X-ray diffraction
  • Proficiency testing programs
    • Microbiological proficiency testing programs
    • Chemical proficiency testing programs

Challenge Studies Help Dairy Products Manufacturer Expand Product Line and Boost Revenue

Study Proposals Issues Per Year

Clients Served in 2024

Laboratory locations across North America, including 3 with dedicated Lab+ contract research facilities

Let’s talk. At your level.

We recognize the enormity of projects like process validation, method validation, shelf-life studies, and more. Our team combines scientific expertise with clear explanations to deliver customized studies that suit your needs.

We handle every aspect of execution, allowing you to concentrate on your business, while maintaining transparent communication throughout, devoid of confusing jargon. Our goal is to equip you with the knowledge to make optimal decisions for your products and processes.

Our active participation in various industry associations like IAFP, IFT, NAMI, ASTA, and more, keeps us abreast with the latest industry trends and technologies. We also contribute to the scientific advancement of these industries to enhance food quality and safety.

Contact us below and let us know how we can help you.

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Let us create a better testing experience for your business, together.