Perspectives From a New Auditor

Sep 7, 2021

By Diana Trejo, Audit Specialist, FSNS C&A

Changing my career path was a difficult decision and one that I agonized over. Had I known then, what I know now, I would have made the transition long ago. Joining the Food Safety Net Services Certification & Audit (FSNS C&A) group has been a positive and exciting change.

While traveling has been a part of work-life for years, it was limited and repetitive. By joining FSNS C&A, I have been given the opportunity to travel and work, not only in the United States but in Canada and Mexico as well. The company has worked tirelessly with our legal departments to secure the required VISAs and paperwork on my behalf. Additionally, the company is concerned with my welfare and takes steps to ensure that I am well taken care of, sojourn in safe locations, and when needed internationally, ensures reliable and secure transportation.  

By accepting the position of Auditor Specialist, I have opened myself up to brand new opportunities and processes. I have been given training and exposure to new environments, species, audit plans, and regulatory requirements. This has been both challenging and exhilarating, simultaneously. As a former food safety manager, this aspect of my new position has been my favorite. It has allowed me to continue to grow my knowledge base and has given me a deeper understanding of previously unfamiliar challenges that are faced in the food manufacturing environment.  I now observe how industry leaders are continually working towards overall food safety, and how they are using their infinite knowledge to educate employees and communities alike.

As a result of traveling and visiting different facilities, I am meeting new professionals in the food industry. Working with like-minded and goal-oriented individuals is a pleasure and allows me to network on a much greater scale. It is delightful to see acquaintances and friends in the industry grow and positively affect overall food safety culture. 

Coming out of a poultry, FSIS regulated facility, my knowledge of other species and of FSMA was limited to say the least. FSNS C&A has invested heavily in my training that includes red meat, FSMA and animal welfare. This represents just the beginning of my learning journey and I look forward to the years to come and the knowledge/training that I will acquire. 

The company’s investment of time and resources to assist me in my career development has been extraordinary and something that I had not experienced previously. The camaraderie and support exemplified by our managers and shared by my peers has made me feel that I’m where I belong.  

The decision to change my career path has been one of the best decisions that I have ever made, and I’m excited to be associated with such an exemplary company. 

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